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In this page you can locate and retrieve existing documents in the Archive. The page is divided in two sections: basic filters - destined to the casual user with few knowledge about the structure of descriptive information data and advanced filters - where it can combine different possibilities and search criteria.

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The user can select the search terms and / or production dates of the documentation. The "inclusive dates" option allows you to select only the records whose production dates are between the extreme dates defined in the search criteria. You can also indicate if you want to select only records with associated "Digital Representation", ie only present the documents whose digital version can be consulted in-line through the Web.

The available options further refine your search by identifying fields and terms that meet your selection criteria. The available options include the selection of collections / funds to be searched for, the types of records (i.e. the levels of description), the reference code or other specific criteria. For each field, you can also indicate whether you want to search for all words, just some of the words, or through exact phrase.

All Fields

Produced between the dates

Description level

Digital representation


Reference code

Quick access points

In this area we provide a quick access to a set of documents hosted in this Archive. The following links allow you to obtain records that we have prepared for you. Use the links below to have quick access to the sets of information we have prepared for you.